
Allows you to modify a two-states type value of a column on the fly. Two-states type values are, for example, yes/no, true/false, 1/0, and so on...

The Column works in conjunction with the ToggleAction.


Configuring the ToggleAction

On your controller:

public function actions()
    return [
        // ...
        'toggle' => [
            'class' => ToggleAction::className(),
            'modelClass' => Lang::className(),
            'onValue' => Status::STATUS_ACTIVE,       // Status::STATUS_ACTIVE = 1
            'offValue' => Status::STATUS_NOT_ACTIVE   // Status::STATUS_NOT_ACTIVE = 0
        // ...

Configuring the ToggleColumn

// ... other columns above?
    'class' => \dosamigos\grid\ToggleColumn::className(),
    'attribute' => 'status',
    'onValue' => Status::STATUS_ACTIVE,
    'onLabel' => 'Active',
    'offLabel' => 'Not active',
    'contentOptions' => ['class' => 'text-center'],
    'afterToggle' => 'function(r, data){if(r){console.log("done", data)};}',
    'filter' => [
        Status::STATUS_ACTIVE => 'Active',
        Status::STATUS_DELETED => 'Not active'
// ... other columns below?

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